Hands up who’s heard of Saul Leiter?

The of most important part of photography isn’t anything technical, it’s where you point the camera. It’s why 99% photos look dull, everybody points in the same direction. Often it’s because people don’t think that they have other options, or they feel too self-conscious to point their camera in the ‘wrong’ direction, it feels so unnatural. “Seeing is a neglected enterprise.” as Saul Leiter put it. He must’ve looked weird whilst doing his seeing; his camera would be pointing inRead more


I find this whole Facebook situation really disappointing. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing, regardless of cost.  I mean, how much money do they need? FACEBOOK: YOU HAVE A MARKET CAP OF $494bn, hire yourself a typographer! I keep spotting my mate Dave, (a future podcast guest, when I can pin the fucker down), and at the bottom of the ads I’m reminded that overhanging punctuation hasn’t hit Facebook yet. It got me thinking. Maybe someone elseRead more

a) Virgin. b) Trains.

Most graphic identities are a better representation of the people who created them than the companies that paid for them. Consequently they are very ‘of the moment’, because their creators want to look cool. The process will start with a quick trawl through the coolest sites, magazines and blogs, checking out what the cool kids are up to. Gradually, patterns emerge; certain colours, photography styles, fonts, etc. If you’re in that process today, you’ll get something that’s very 2018. GreatRead more